Monday, December 30, 2013

raju thatha stories-1

Ramu was a lazy boy. He was idling his time with his friends.and not doing anything to lessen his mother's plight.She was doing  all odd jobs andh the meagre earnings she got , she used to run the house. As she was getting old, she was worried about her son's future and how he would live after her..
One day she called him and told that she cannot support him any longer and he has to learn to take care himself. She gave him 6 rotis and asked him to go to the nearby town and start looking for a job.
Ramu had to leave the house alongwith the food given by his mother for the town.He started walking to the town as there was no other mode of conveyance. He had to cross a dense forest for going to the town.after walking some distance, he was feeling hungry. He thought he would have some rotis and take some rest and start again as dusk has set in.
He started eating. Behind him there was a cave in which some demons were staying.One demon was awake keeping guard and the rest were sleeping iside the cave.
Ramu ate one roti and said loudly that he finishd one. The demon standing as guard heard the shout and got frightened. He thought that the boy was  a demon eater.The terrified  demon went inside and woke another and both the demons came near the entance. By the time Ramu ate the second roti and shouted " i consumed two". The two demons were totally frightened ran inside and brought the other four demons.Ramu ate al the six rotis in the meantime and shouted "i ate all six: The demons got extremely frigtened and all the demons fell at his feet and begged to have mercy on them and not to eat them. They would give him gold and other valuables if he could leave the place without eating them.
The boy was smart and told to to bring gold and values in bags and carry them them to his house.The demons were relieved and gladly put all the valuable items in six gunny bags and carried them to his house. After keeping in his house, they started running back towards the cave greatly relieved that they were spared by the demon eating boy.
After they reached halfway, they started slowing down. A fox saw these demons huffing and puffing. The fox asked the reason and the demons explained the whole thing. The fox laughed and told them that the boy was a simpleton and not a deomon eater and had cunningly took advantage their fear.
The fox promised to prove them that he was right. One demon could come alongwith him and he would show what the boy actually was. The demons were not convinced and thought the fox was trying to play some mischief. But the fox was persistent and offered to tie himself to the body of the demon so that he would be tied and he could notrun away in the event something happened.
Both the fox and the demon stated back towards Ramu's house.Ramu was sitting on the terrace enjoying himself. He saw the fox and the demon coming towards his house. He could guess that the fox was upto some mischief and could mean trouble for him.
He ran down and picked a heavy stick. He stared running with the stick towards the fox and the demon shouting "hey stupid fox, i told you to bring 6 demons for dinner and you brught only one. I am going to eat both you."
On hearing this, the demon thought he had been deceived by the fox and started  running     back dragging the fox alongwith him . After reaching the forest alogwith other demons , he removed the rope and the fox was almost dead. The demons did not dare to enter the village again.
The gold and other valuables were enough for ramu and his mother to live comfortably.