Saturday, September 19, 2009

Seenu -the taylor

Seenu was a very good tailor. Most of the villagers used to get their dresses stitched by him and he was always busy.The diwali was fast approaching and he had to stitch clothes continuously so that he could deliver them before diwali. He continued stiching well into the late night. His wife brought his dinner to the shop as he could not find time to go to his house.

The plate was kept on the table. Seenu washed his hands and started to have his dinner. Mosquitoes were hovering around the food and he just swatted at them killing 7/8mosquitoes. His wife came to take back the plates and saw 7/8 mosquitoes lying around the plate dead.

Next day morning she told her neighbour that her husband killed 8 mosquitoes wth one swat. The neighbour told her friends and gradually the news spread that the taylor killed nine men with one blow.The news reached the king also.

The king was hearing the news from his spies that the neighbouring country was planning to attack them. Even though he had a good army , they did not have a good general to lead them. He thought that Seenu ,the taylor, would be the ideal man as he killed nine men with one stroke.He immediately sent for seenu and asked him to lead the army.Seenu was only good at tailoring and had no knowledge of battle field and was extremely worried.But he had to obey the king's orders.

The neighbour's army had reached close to the border and the taylor had to go to the battle ground.He was given a very strong horse and the taylor did not know how to ride a horse.His wife asked him to mount on the horse and tied him to the horse leaving only his hands free. The horse started running very fast and the taylor was extremely frightented and started shouting. On hearing his shrieks, the horse ran still faster towards the enemy's army. The taylor's army was left behind.

When the horse was running , the totally frightened tried to hold on the trees by clutching at them. The trees got uprooted and the taylor carried the trees alongwith him and shouting at very pitch of his voice.

The enemy's army alreay heard about the reputation of seenu as the man who killed nine men with one stroke.When they saw seenu fast approaching them alone with two tress in his hands , they thought their end was very near and this would wipe their army single handedly.

They started retreating fast and ran back from their battle field leaving all their armoury spears etc .The horse in which seenu was riding got tired and slowly halted. seenu managed to untie the ropes and got down from the horse. By the time, his army reached the battle field and saw that seenu had single handedly conquered the enemy. they were all overjoyed

and called seenu the strongest general and they took him back on their shoulders praising his valour.

The king was extremely pleased with seenu and gifts him house, land and gold befitting a victorious general. As seenu's fame spread wide and far nobody tried to attck his country and everybody lived peacefully.